For additional information visit the following links:
ACC Foundation
The Scott Family Collection is administered by the ACC Foundation. The foundation assists hundreds of Alamance Community College students annually with scholarships and financial aid so that they are able to have access to a college education. Professional development funds from the Foundation help pay for faculty and staff continuing education and membership in professional organizations.
Alamance Community College
The Scott Family Collection is located at Alamance Community College in the Wallace W. Gee Building, 1247 Jimmie Kerr Road, Graham, N.C. 27253. Operating Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9a.m.-5p.m. For more information or schedule a guided tour, call (336) 506-4203. Free admission.
ACC Library / Learning Resource Center
The Scott Family Collection is managed by the ACC Library / Learning Resource Center administration. You are encouraged to utilize the ACC Library and its collections to further your research in local history and culture. Library orientations, instruction, and research assistance is offered.
Operating hours: Monday – Thursday 7:45 AM – 9:30 PM; Friday 7:45 AM – 4:00 PM; Saturday 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM; Sunday Closed. Summer hours vary. Contact the Library at (336) 506-4116
Alamance County Historical Museum
The Alamance County Historical Museum is located at the birthplace home of textile pioneer Edwin M. Holt, on NC-62 south of Burlington. Guided tours of the house museum are available at no cost. Please allow 45 minutes for the tour. Advance reservations are required for groups of 10 or more.
Operating hours: Closed Mondays. Tuesday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Saturday 10:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Additional Research Links:
The Alamance County Genealogical Society